Welcome to my blog!

On this blog you'll find all of my Knex creations! Here I'll have my models, plus updates of any major projects. I made this blog in June 2009, when I began construction on Cataclysm.

I'm on lots of other websites besides this one. Here's some links:

The Knex Forum: here I upload all of the images of my models. Go to my profile to see my albums, groups, etc.

Instructables: I'm most active on this site. Here's my profile. Here I upload instructions for lots of my projects. You'll also find slide shows, videos, and more.

Youtube: here's where I upload my videos. Go to my channel to watch them!

Make sure to follow this blog for updates on my models!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Alternator Lift

This is a new ball machine lift I made and worked on for a month. Here's how it works: a tower in the middle of the main tower (called the lifter) has ball grabbers on it. There are ball holders built into the front of the tower. When the lifter goes up and down, the balls are alternated from one side to the other, which is why I named it the Alternator Lift! This lift will go into Cataclysm.

Click here for instructions!

Here's the video of the lift in action: